Wednesday 9 March 2011

Royal Academy of Arts

Well that's it - it's official. A bit of a milestone really I guess. After over forty years of painting, twenty of those professionally, I have finally joined the herd/succumbed to my ambition/taken myself seriously (delete depending on mood and motivation) and sent off my submission of paintings (two) to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.
I have yet to paint these paintings - but don't panic - they are cogitating in my mind and I am just waiting until the time is right to pounce on them, commit to canvas, and hope they work. One's called 'Wedding on the Beach' the other, rather loosely, is entitled 'Summertime'.
I've also booked my train tickets, to London from Carmarthen return, as paintings have to be taken there, unwrapped, and scanned in. DHL not allowed, nor Royal Mail, so it's me or a specialist art courier - and I'm cheaper. The journey by train is just over 4 hours each way, plus a 2 hour window in London in which I should just about be able to get to the Academy in Piccadilly, drop them off, and leg it back to Paddington.

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