Thursday 21 June 2012

Is there anything better....


really, honestly, truly, being an artist is there anything better than completing a painting that makes your whole being HAPPY,  feel JOYFUL and want to look, look, look at it again and again, drinking in the - what? the LOVE of it?

Well,  here we are - my painting I finished today. I say 'my' painting because I have also been working 12 hour days finishing a series of paintings of  Norfolk for an exhibition at The Red Lobster Gallery in Sheringham, which will be sent on Monday to them.

So whist painting for them, for sanity's sake, I've also been painting for me, here it is:

Ahhhh, now for a largish glass of Primitvo, grilled courgette and cashew nut salad, and relax......

thanks for reading,


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