Thursday 21 June 2012

Is there anything better....


really, honestly, truly, being an artist is there anything better than completing a painting that makes your whole being HAPPY,  feel JOYFUL and want to look, look, look at it again and again, drinking in the - what? the LOVE of it?

Well,  here we are - my painting I finished today. I say 'my' painting because I have also been working 12 hour days finishing a series of paintings of  Norfolk for an exhibition at The Red Lobster Gallery in Sheringham, which will be sent on Monday to them.

So whist painting for them, for sanity's sake, I've also been painting for me, here it is:

Ahhhh, now for a largish glass of Primitvo, grilled courgette and cashew nut salad, and relax......

thanks for reading,


Thursday 14 June 2012

Creative Me

Some very exciting news ..... finalised plans at our monthly business meeting (see picture...) for a series of 'Create Me' workshops, to be held at my home studio over throughout 2012.

Full details will be released when our new web site goes live - but in the meantime - if you really, really can't wait, message me and I will send you a sneak preview ....

Thursday 7 June 2012

Jasmine perfume, orange and blue

Hello lovely people

today I have been having some fun.

It's so cold and rainy here in West Wales, I turned up the music (Buddha Bar); selected some favourite paints and inks - lime green, process magenta, golden yellow, prussian blue; process cyan; relaxed my shoulders, breathed in the Jasime perfume and began to randomly made marks.

 Two lovely girls - Lauren & Zoe - visited the studio with their parents, they finger painted on some 10 x 10 cm canvases, and scratched designs into them. These I then used to 'potato print' onto a 60 x 60cm canvas, followed by some loose drawing - randomly with pen and florescent marker - then colouring in - mostly with just fingers - sometimes with a credit card ...

Whilst I was doing this I closed my eyes to listen to the music and had the most incredible feeling and sensation of COLOUR in my heart, throat and head - amazing orange and yellows edged with a blue, the intensity of  the blue I can't describe - yet alone paint...I've been trying to recreate that colour all afternoon! wow, what a feeling. I want that again - any other artists have this?

So this is as far as I have got today with my colouring in - and tomorrow I am taking puppy dog to training lessons (more for me than him, I admit it!)

Hope it's not to long before we get another rainy day, and I can have some more fun & get this one finished.

oh... the Jasmine perfume ...I have run out ...and L'occitaine have stopped producing it. Hmmm

Monday 4 June 2012

Spring Clean

old office room
MASSSSIVE spring clean underway - had to be done, but so far it's taken 3 of us 2 days, and another day will be needed to find lost things and go to the recycling depot.

We were squashed in a room with the printer, framing bits & bobs, mount cutters etc...

...but now we have a lovely room with a garden view, space for two dog beds and a 'meeting table'..... for some reason I'm thrilled by the prospect of having meetings at a 'meeting table' ... why I don't kno.